Happy Hens Hemp Bedding

How to Use

How to use


How to apply our organic hemp chicken bedding

Discover the benefits of our certified organic hemp chicken bedding, the eco-conscious choice for your coop. This premium bedding, surpassing the rigorous French standards for animal bedding, offers unparalleled absorbency, soaking up to four times its weight. This keeps your coop dry and reduces the risk of bacteria and fungi, ensuring a healthier environment for your hens. Our sustainable hemp grows with minimal water and no pesticides, absorbing more CO2 than traditional crops, making it a truly green choice. Soft, hypoallergenic, and antimicrobial, it provides a comfortable, stress-free space for your chickens, deterring pests naturally. Economical in the long run, our hemp bedding requires less frequent changes, saving you time and money. Follow our straightforward directions to create a safe, inviting, and healthy home for your chickens with our superior organic hemp bedding, embodying care for your chickens and the planet.

Preparing the Coop:

Preparing the Coop:

Before introducing hemp bedding to your chicken coop, it’s essential to prepare the space adequately. Start by cleaning out any old bedding and debris from the coop. This ensures that you start with a clean slate, which is crucial for maintaining the health of your chickens.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Remove Old Bedding: Clear out any existing bedding and waste material.
  2. Clean the Coop: Sweep and wash the floor, walls, and nesting boxes.
  3. Dry the Coop: Ensure the coop is completely dry to prevent mold growth.
  4. Measure the Bedding: Calculate the amount of hemp bedding needed. Generally, a 2-4 inch layer is ideal.
  5. Spread Evenly: Distribute the hemp bedding evenly across the floor of the coop, ensuring a consistent layer throughout.


Regular maintenance is key to harnessing the full benefits of hemp bedding.

Regular Upkeep:

  1. Daily Checks: Look for any damp or soiled spots and remove them promptly.
  2. Turn the Bedding: Regularly turn over the bedding to expose dry material and extend its usability.
  3. Replace When Necessary: Depending on the number of chickens and coop size, completely change the bedding every few weeks or as needed.

Addressing Issues:

  • Dampness: Increase ventilation or add more bedding if the coop becomes too damp.
  • Clumping: Break up any clumps to maintain an even surface.
Composting Used Bedding

Composting Used Bedding:

Hemp bedding can be composted, offering an eco-friendly way to dispose of used material.

Composting Instructions:

  1. Collect Used Bedding: Gather the hemp bedding once it’s time to replace it.
  2. Create a Compost Pile: Add the bedding to your compost pile, mixing it with green waste like kitchen scraps.
  3. Maintain the Pile: Turn the pile regularly to aerate it, speeding up the composting process.

Benefits for Gardens:

  • Nutrient-Rich Compost: Hemp bedding decomposes into a nutrient-rich compost, excellent for gardens or farms.
  • Soil Health: The compost improves soil structure and fertility.
Safety and Health Tips:

Safety and Health Tips:

Ensuring the safety and health of your chickens is paramount when using hemp bedding.

  • Avoid Chemicals: Ensure the hemp bedding is free from chemicals or synthetic materials.
  • Monitor Chicken Health: Observe your chickens for any signs of respiratory issues or allergies.
  • Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the best practices for using hemp bedding in chicken coops.
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