Happy Hens Hemp Bedding


About us

The first organically certified hemp hurd chicken bedding

As pioneers in the industry, we introduce the first organically certified hemp hurd chicken bedding, intertwining our profound affection for chickens with our dedication to environmental sustainability and future generations. Our mission is straightforward yet ambitious: to provide chickens with the highest quality organic hemp bedding, while promoting sustainable and organic farming practices. We take immense pride in offering 100% American-grown, organically certified hemp bedding, reflecting our commitment to excellence and ecological responsibility.

Drawing upon our expertise in French hemp hurd standards—widely regarded as the pinnacle of quality—we embarked on a journey to fill a critical gap in the market. After evaluating every hemp hurd animal bedding option available, it became clear that there was a significant demand for a brand that not only met but exceeded these rigorous standards with American-sourced, organically grown hemp. Our hemp is cultivated following environmentally friendly practices, ensuring not just a safe and comfortable habitat for your chickens but also a beneficial impact on the planet.

This endeavor is more than just a business to us; it's a movement towards creating a healthier, more sustainable world. By choosing our hemp bedding, you're not just making a purchase; you're joining a community of conscientious individuals who care deeply about the welfare of their chickens and the health of our Earth. With every step, we are committed to ensuring organic integrity and superior quality, from farm to coop. Embrace the change with us and elevate your chickens' living conditions with our organic hemp chicken bedding—the premium choice for those who value quality, sustainability, and the well-being of both their feathered friends and the environment.

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